Beam Basics 101 WIP

An often forgotten part of beam, a gymnasts beam basics are the foundation of their confidence and comfort on beam. This event pulls heavily from ballet and has deep focus on body awareness and precision.


A basic beam mount is done from a jump to front support and then swinging one leg over the beam; once this seated position is achieved the gymnast may stand up in a verity of ways most commonly they will swing their legs backward hooking their feet on the beam push into a squatting position and proceed to stand up.

Beam 5th position

When on beam the gymnast should strive to keep their feet in 5th position; this position assists in the gymnasts overall balance on beam by squaring the gymnasts hips. Early reinforcement of this position is extremely beneficial to every gymnast.

Body shape

Standing on the beam is a surprisingly active task for new gymnasts; holding the shoulders down and back and pulling the hips under can be difficult but with constant reinforcement it will eventually become muscle memory. Arm placement will vary during beam basics but three major positions are important for each gymnast to be familiar with including; stretched, round, and overhead.



Over head

Below you will find a video of an in-depth warm up and overview of the beam dance basics

Beam Basics Dance

  • 5th position
  • Arm Positions: stretched, round, and overhead
  • Demi plié
  • Relevé
  • Demi plié Relevé Demi plié Relevé
  • Forced arch
  • Relevé Forced Arch Relevé Forced Arch
  • Relevé walks
  • Bourré walks 
  • Leg kick toe ball heel to 5th
  • Brush kicks to 5th
  • Tap, tap kick to 5th 
  • Brush steps – forward, backward, side
  • Coupé
  • Passé
  • Coupé to Passé
  • Passé walks

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